Module I

Registrations are closed

Module I

Photoshop For Photographers Workshop Meeting

Register for the first meeting of the  Photoshop For Photographers Workshop. If you purchased the full workshop, you have 2 meetings included and you can combine dates however it fits your schedule. Go as fast as you want or take as much time as you need.

How to attend this meeting?



You can attend just this meeting but I recommend you take the whole Workshop, with 2 meetings included. 


Email With Codes

After a confirmed payment, you will receive an email with a code for 2 included meetings and some "first steps" guidance.



Follow the instructions from the confirmation email, create your account if you haven't already and log in to your class.


Attend the Meeting

When you revive topics from a module in the classroom, check scheduled meetings and register for the one that suits your schedule.

Registration for this meeting will be closed at:


Registration period for this lecture is now finished. But don't worry, check EVENTS for other scheduled lectures.

On this meeting

we will be exploring the following topics:

There is NO digital photo that wouldn't be edited! We can only decide to either let some general algorithm do it or do it ourselves. It is also nothing new and we still use the same principles as they already existed in analogue times.

Post-Processing Principles

Every bit of data lost is lost forever. That is why we try to bring and keep as much data as possible in editing. We will talk about file formats, colour spaces, compatibilities and exports.


There are numerous ways to do things the right way in Photoshop. I will share a couple of approaches so that you can apply the one most suiting for your situation and photography post-processing setup.

Adobe Camera Raw

Photoshop, Camera Raw and Bridge are the legendary trinity of photography. We already introduced Bridge in workflow, but no Photoshop workshop wouldn't be complete without a deep dive into Camera Raw.

Photographer's Workspace

The incredible versatility of Photoshop can also be daunting for beginners. We can greatly speed up and simplify our photo editing if we narrow the workspace to toolsets applicable to photographers.

What you need

to attend this workshop meeting:
Classroom topics

It is not strictly necessary, but I do highly recommend you prepare for this lecture by working through Module I topics in the Photoshop for photographers Workshop Classroom.

Laptop & Software

We will need a laptop with the latest working version of Photoshop. You can use a free trial license, no need to purchase it.

Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Saturday, June 29, 2024
10:00 AM 2:00 PM (Europe/Ljubljana)

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--Ljubljana - Jarše--

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