Module I

Registrations are closed

Module I

Meeting for Nightscape Photography Workshop

Register for the first meeting of the  NightScape Photography Workshop. If you purchased the full workshop, you have 2 meetings included and you can combine dates however it fits your schedule. Go as fast as you want or take as much time as you need.

How to attend this meeting?



You can attend just this meeting but I recommend you take the whole Workshop, with 2 meetings included. 


Email With Codes

After a confirmed payment, you will receive an email with a code for 2 included meetings and some "first steps" guidance.



Follow the instructions from the confirmation email, create your account if you haven't already and log in to your class.


Attend the Meeting

When you revive topics from a module in the classroom, check scheduled meetings and register for the one that suits your schedule.

Registration for this meeting will be closed at:


Registration period for this lecture is now finished. But don't worry, check EVENTS for other scheduled lectures.

On this meeting

we will be exploring the following topics:
The plan is Half of a Success

Deep dive into main tools for planning nightscape motives. From general location scouting, weather prognosis, special stellar events and conjunctions to full-blown simulations and pre-visualizing the motive.

Principles of Low Light Photography

Usual photography approaches just don't cut it when confronted with low light conditions. We shine the light on "subs", "lights", "darks", "bias", "flats" and other components used to make the final breathtaking image.

Principles of Nightscape Photography

The landscape part of motive and sky part of the motive often have very different demands. We learn when to capture each, how to augment with LLL, light painting and drawing, rules for sharp stars (500, CoC, NPF), meteors, …

Sky Tracking

When there is little light, we need a lot of time to collect it (AKA long exposure). But what do you do, when rotating Earth wants to make everything blurry? Sky trackers come to the rescue.

Night Sky Objects

Depending on the conditions, we choose appropriate targets for our astrophotography. From Moon to planets and nebulae. What is sure is, that you will never look at the night sky the same.

What you need

to attend this workshop meeting:
Classroom topics

It is not strictly necessary, but I do highly recommend you prepare for this lecture by working through Module I topics in the NightScape Photography Workshop Classroom.


We will be working with cameras, so you need one for this workshop. Phone will not be enough. The Camera can be a DSLR or mirrorless. If you don't have it, you can also rent it for the duration of the lecture from the instructor. Just let us know beforehand.


We will be using long exposure so a sturdy mounting option is a must. If you have a tripod or a clamp, bring it with you. If you are missing something you can also rent it for the duration of the lecture from the instructor. Just let us know beforehand.


We will be working into the night so dress appropriately and bring with you something to drink and/or eat. Don't forget a torch or headlamp and also, medication if you are using any! If you are using any specialized night/astrophotography gear or you would like to learn how to use it, bring that too. For example: light pollution or contrast enhancing astronomical filters, lens defogger/warmer, trackers, focusing tools, etc. You can also rent it for the duration of the meeting from the instructor. Just let us know beforehand.

Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Saturday, June 8, 2024
8:00 PM 11:55 PM (Europe/Ljubljana)

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Sveti Primož in Felicijan

Jamnik 4201
--Sveti Primož in Felicijan--

Get the direction


Piksli d.o.o.


Spread the light.